Now Hiring!

Strong connections link people together

The Maritime Link Project is more than an energy connection; it's bringing great ideas and great people together. At Emera Newfoundland & Labrador, we recognize the importance of these connections, and have partnered with local industry professionals that have the drive to make this legacy project come to life.

Building a 500 megawatt interconnection from the island of Newfoundland to Cape Breton is challenging and it will take hard work and dedication from everyone involved. That's why we want the best people on the Project to bridge Atlantic Canada's energy resources, and bring clean renewable energy to Nova Scotia.

Please note that Emera Newfoundland and Labrador will not be hiring directly. All skilled and unskilled positions will be the responsibility of the contractor and/or their subcontractors that have been awarded work on the Maritime Link Project. This will be done in partnership with the associated union(s) in Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia. Each union will be coordinating with contractors on hiring.

By registering with, your application will be accessible to all contractors and unions involved in the Maritime Link Project.  Click on  to get started!